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NYPA Pilot and Results ,
Grid Enhancing Technologies are Focus for Federal and State Regulators in July ,
GridBright partners with WindSim Power and Avangrid ,
Idaho National Laboratory Website
Dynamic Line Rating Testbed Study Using Weather Forecasting
Feasibility and Prospects of the High Resolution Rapid Refresh Model For Dynamic Line Rating
WindSim Power DistribuTECH
Press Release WindSim Power Joins Avangrid
Press Release WindSim Power Partners with TOGETs
Meso/Microscale Modeling of Wind Fields on Overhead Conductors
NYPA Installs Sensors to Better Predict Weather Patterns to Improve Transmission
NYPA Uses Weather Sensors to Better Predict Weather Patterns Affecting Power Transmission Lines in the North Country
Enabling Flexible, Efficient Transmission Operations with Advanced Simulation
Enabling Flexible, Efficient Transmission Operations
Determining Line Ratings with WindSim
Technical Conference on Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency through Improved Software
A CFD based wind atlas method
Downscaling MERRA Mesoscale Data for Calculating the Annual Energy Production of Norwegian Wind Farms
Improvement of RANS Forest Model via Closure Coefficient Modification
Atmospheric Stability Influence on Wind Resource Spatial Distribution for Wind Farm Micrositing
Improving Remote Sensor Accuracy and Uncertainty in Complex Terrain
Two methods to improve turbulence estimates above a forest in a CFD model
Validation of CFD forest simulations based on a global forest parameter database
Short-term forecasting of energy production using cfd simulation
Benefits of using CFD for wind power forecasting in complex terrain
Machine learning for short time ahead wind power forecast
Wind Power Forecasting techniques in complex
Short time ahead wind power production forecast ? presentation
Short time ahead
wind power production forecast
Day ahead wind farm power production forecast using a high resolution mesoscale model and various downscaling techniques
Meso-microscale coupling for wind resource assessment using average atmospheric conditions
Transmission line ampacity improvements using optimized forecasting solution for grid operations
The Benefit of Computational Fluid Dynamics Data in Dynamic Line Rating Calculations
A Cool Way to Increase Existing Overhead Power Line Capacity
Coupling computational fluid dynamics with the high resolution rapid refresh model for forecasting dynamic line ratings
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics of Wind Simulations Coupled With Weather Data to Calculate Dynamic Line Ratings
Transmission Line Ampacity Improvements of AltaLink Wind Plant Overhead Tie-Lines Using Weather-Based Dynamic Line Rating
New Software Tool Boosts Utility Transmission Capacity
Optimized Forecasting Solution for Advanced Overhead Line Demonstration.